La carence en vitamine D (VitD) est fréquente partout dans le monde. En Suisse, elle touche toutes les populations et, par conséquent, aussi les personnes à risque de complications du Covid-19. Des études relèvent une corrélation entre la carence en VitD et certaines pathologiques extraosseuses chroniques. Cette revue de la littérature montre une corrélation entre la gravité des symptômes, les décès liés au Covid-19 et un statut carencé en VitD. L’efficacité ou non d’une supplémentation en VitD pour améliorer ces pathologies et limiter les complications liées au Covid-19 n’est pas encore claire en raison des multiples biais méthodologiques des études. Néanmoins, l’ampleur épidémiologique de la carence en VitD dans nos sociétés nécessite que tous les professionnels de la santé se coordonnent pour répondre à ce défi de santé publique.
Vitamin D deficiencies are common throughout the world. In Switzerland, this deficiency affects every populations, including therefore people at risk of COVID-19 complications. Several studies demonstrate a correlation between vitamin D deficiencies and some chronic extraosseous pathologies. This literature review shows a correlation between the seriousness of symptoms, the deaths related to COVID-19 and a status of vitamin D deficiency. The effectiveness of a supplementation with vitamin D to improve those pathologies and limit complications due to COVID-19 is not yet clear because of the various methodological bias of the studies. However, the epidemiological extent of a vitamin D deficiency in our societies requires the coordinated actions of all health professionals in order to meet this public health challenge.
Vitamin D deficiencies are common throughout the world. In Switzerland, this deficiency affects every populations, including therefore people at risk of COVID-19 complications. Several studies demonstrate a correlation between vitamin D deficiencies and some chronic extraosseous pathologies. This literature review shows a correlation between the seriousness of symptoms, the deaths related to COVID-19 and a status of vitamin D deficiency. The effectiveness of a supplementation with vitamin D to improve those pathologies and limit complications due to COVID-19 is not yet clear because of the various methodological bias of the studies. However, the epidemiological extent of a vitamin D deficiency in our societies requires the coordinated actions of all health professionals in order to meet this public health challenge.