Most of the web forms, polls or surveys are composed with classical input fields (check boxes, radio buttons, select lists, etc.) and a lot of standards web forms builders or services (e.g. Typeform, WuFoo, Google Forms, Survey Monkey, etc.) help to build and deploy them. Nowadays, offering a text area to catch a ZIP code or a select list to point out a country remains the best way to explicitly collect geospatial data. But what about mapping interfaces to integrate cartographic questions and/or cartographic answers as a more suitable solution? How to let form’s respondents indicate in which area(s) they engage in certain activities? The only way to solve these issues is by coding it yourself. This paper shows the design and technical problematic and try to give some solutions to build an efficient UX for the respondents and a standard answers treatment for the data analysts. This paper will also highlight the capacities of open source JavaScript library like OpenLayers to build the solution. Our interface was tested by the cities of Lausanne and Pully (Switzerland) and thousands of people answered to these « cartographic forms » on mobile and desktop. We would like to share some good practice and lessons learned.