La numérisation des services a également affecté la pratique des soins hospitaliers. Ici, nous appliquons la méthode des groupes de discussion dans un but exploratoire auprès d’étudiants praticiens en soins infirmiers afin de voir si la numérisation des processus administratifs dans les hôpitaux a un impact sur leurs modes de fonctionnement habituels pour le traitement des patients. Les données recueillies montrent une déconnexion entre les difficultés évoquées par le personnel infirmier dans l’exercice de leur profession et la numérisation des processus. Suite à ces observations, nous proposons un nouveau modèle théorique basé sur le modèle de création de connaissances SECI (socialisation, externalisation, combinaison, internalisation). Notre modèle conceptuel consiste à coupler la "boucle SECI” du patient avec la “boucle SECI” du soignant au niveau de l'étape de socialisation.
The digitalization of services has also affected the practice of hospital care, particularly among nurses. In this study, we applied the focus group method with an exploratory aim among practicing students in nursing to see if the digitalization of administrative processes in hospitals was having an impact on their usual operating modes for treating patients. The collected data shows a disconnection between the difficulties evoked by the nursing staff in regard to exercising their profession and the digitalization of processes. Following these observations, we propose a new theoretical model based on the SECI (socialization, externalization, combination, internalization) knowledge creation model. As the patient is co-producer of the service, our conceptual model consists of coupling the “SECI loop” of the patient with the “SECI loop” of the nurse at the level of the socialization stage.
The digitalization of services has also affected the practice of hospital care, particularly among nurses. In this study, we applied the focus group method with an exploratory aim among practicing students in nursing to see if the digitalization of administrative processes in hospitals was having an impact on their usual operating modes for treating patients. The collected data shows a disconnection between the difficulties evoked by the nursing staff in regard to exercising their profession and the digitalization of processes. Following these observations, we propose a new theoretical model based on the SECI (socialization, externalization, combination, internalization) knowledge creation model. As the patient is co-producer of the service, our conceptual model consists of coupling the “SECI loop” of the patient with the “SECI loop” of the nurse at the level of the socialization stage.