
The modeling of a customer experience realized through a service blueprint is useful for visualizing the structures and processes involved in its production. However, the classical service blueprint fails to consider the contribution of human factors—motivation, emotion, satisfaction, etc.—that are essential elements of service interactions and can represent important risks of non-quality. Consequently, we have developed an enhanced service blueprint dedicated to Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), which includes the human factor dimension. In order to take into account the human factor dimension in the service blueprinting syntax, we include a sociogram. A sociogram is a graph whose nodes are linked together by arrows expressing sociological and psychological variables. Thus we are able to measure and visually identify the areas at risk in an integrated manner, those which are typically attached to the dominant human factor component of service productions. To illustrate this new ERM modeling concept, we have developed a case study related to a ser- vice at the reception of a luxury hotel. We are thus able to show the advantag- es of using the service blueprinting approach compared to the classical risk mapping process in the context of ERM.

