      recid = {15251},
      author = {Benoit, S. and Margni, Manuele and Bouchard, C. and  Pouliot, Y.},
      title = {A workable tool for assessing eco-efficiency in dairy  processing using process simulation},
      publisher = {Elsevier},
      journal = {Journal of Cleaner Production},
      address = {Amsterdam. 2019-11},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      pages = {16 p.},
      note = {MARGNI, Manuele est un chercheur à la HEI-VS, HES-SO  depuis 2020.},
      abstract = {Process simulation (PS) is essential in the eco-efficiency  assessments (EEA) of dairy processes. PS indeed allows for  analysis of a process with the help of mathematical models,  and its ability to calculate rapidly and at little cost the  mass and energy balances of processes can be exploited in  the EEA of dairy processes. This paper presents the  prototype of a workable tool developed to carry-out EEA of  dairy processes. A process modelling and simulation  software dedicated to dairy processing was developed to  perform inventories of material and energy flows (IMEF) on  the processes modelled by the software user. Addition of  impact analysis data sets allowed for quantification of the  potential environmental impacts associated with the  modelled processes. Inputting economic data then made it  possible to calculate the economic value associated with  the modelled processes. Gathering these methods within a  single numerical tool enabled EEA of any process modelled  by the software user, but also identification of the hot  spots and the opportunities for eco-efficiency  improvements, comparisons of several scenarios of raw milk  valuation, and assessment of their economic viability. In  order to present the operational aspect of the developed  prototype, it was used to compare the EE of fluid milk  processing in Canada (Quebec) and the United-States of  America. Individual eco-efficiency indicators (EEI) results  showed that the potential environmental impacts were higher  for the American scenario in three damage categories out of  four. Economic viability results showed a slight advantage  for the American scenario. Considering all the EEI, the  comparative EEA did not offer evidence of a general benefit  of one scenario over the other.},
      url = {http://arodes.hes-so.ch/record/15251},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.117658},