Translaminar fracture toughness is pivotal for notch sensitivity and damage tolerance of fibre-reinforced composites. Hybridisation offers a promising pathway for enhancing this parameter in thin-ply composites. Three novel mini-compact tension specimen geometries were investigated for their competence in microscale characterisation of translaminar fracture using in-situ synchrotron radiation computed tomography (SRCT). Only “mini-protruded” design resulted in stable crack propagation with adequate crack increments. Based on this design, five baseline and hybrid cross-ply configurations incorporating low- and high-strain carbon fibres were studied. Crack propagation in low- and high-strain baseline configurations was stable. For interlayer and intrayarn fibre-hybrid configurations, a correlation between load–displacement curves and delamination is observed. The SRCT data confirmed that 90° ply-blocks cushion the interaction between 0° plies, enabling independent fracture. Additionally, crack fronts in 90° plies advance further than those in 0° plies. Moreover, mechanical interlocking and bundle bending within 0° plies serve as supplementary mechanisms for energy dissipation.