La fin de vie à domicile a été peu étudiée sous l’angle de l’articulation des logiques domestiques et professionnelles. L’approche interactionniste permet de comprendre comment se négocie l’important travail requis pour assurer le confort et la sécurité de malades souvent âgés. Une étude qualitative menée auprès de tous les acteurs engagés dans la prise en charge de quatre personnes âgées souhaitant finir leur jour chez elles a permis de mettre au jour un ordre négocié qui favorise la solidarité familiale et le maintien d’une belle image, au détriment de la santé des aidantes âgées.
There have been few studies on the end-of-life experience in the home that elucidate the logic of the domestic and professional spheres. An interactionist approach enables us to understand how the crucial work needed to ensure the comfort, security and safety of (often elderly) patients is negotiated. A qualitative study conducted among all parties involved in the care of four elderly persons wishing to die at home sheds light on a negotiated order that favours family solidarity and an untarnished image, to the detriment of elderly caregivers’ health.
There have been few studies on the end-of-life experience in the home that elucidate the logic of the domestic and professional spheres. An interactionist approach enables us to understand how the crucial work needed to ensure the comfort, security and safety of (often elderly) patients is negotiated. A qualitative study conducted among all parties involved in the care of four elderly persons wishing to die at home sheds light on a negotiated order that favours family solidarity and an untarnished image, to the detriment of elderly caregivers’ health.