Principales causes d’invalidité reconnues en Suisse, les maladies psychiques et de l’appareil locomoteur font l’objet d’une vigilance politique et judiciaire de plus en plus marquée. À la lumière de ce contexte, on s’attachera dans cet article à discuter une jurisprudence fédérale récente consacrée à deux diagnostics controversés : les troubles somatoformes douloureux et la fibromyalgie. L’analyse de 275 arrêts du tribunal des assurances sociales de Genève servira ici à explorer les promesses et les contraintes du droit pour ceux qui sont concernés par ces règles jurisprudentielles. Nous chercherons en particulier à montrer de quelle façon la régulation judiciaire est au cœur d’une institutionnalisation de la précarisation des droits.
Psychological and musculoskeletal diseases, the main causes of acknowledged disabilities in Switzerland, are under increasingly intense political and legal scrutiny. In this context, the article discusses recent federal jurisprudence regarding two controversial diagnoses: painful somatoform disorders and fibromyalgia. The analysis of 275 decisions by the Geneva social insurance tribunal helps us to explore the law’s guarantees and constraints for those concerned by these jurisprudential rules. We specifically try to demonstrate how legal regulation is at the heart of an institutionalization of the increasing vulnerability of rights.
Psychological and musculoskeletal diseases, the main causes of acknowledged disabilities in Switzerland, are under increasingly intense political and legal scrutiny. In this context, the article discusses recent federal jurisprudence regarding two controversial diagnoses: painful somatoform disorders and fibromyalgia. The analysis of 275 decisions by the Geneva social insurance tribunal helps us to explore the law’s guarantees and constraints for those concerned by these jurisprudential rules. We specifically try to demonstrate how legal regulation is at the heart of an institutionalization of the increasing vulnerability of rights.