Le traumatisme crânio-cérébral relève d’une situation de soin complexe. Les infirmières sont en première ligne devant assumer une posture difficile entre idéalisme et fatalisme quant au parcours de soins et à la qualité de vie. Réinvestir un temps long dans le soin et obtenir un retour systématisé des patients à long terme constituent des leviers d’amélioration simples et économiques.
A traumatic brain injury constitutes a complex treatment situation. Nurses are on the frontline having to assume a difficult position between idealism and fatalism with regard to the care pathway and quality of life. Taking a long-term approach to the care and systemised feedback from the patients form simple and economical levers for improvement.
A traumatic brain injury constitutes a complex treatment situation. Nurses are on the frontline having to assume a difficult position between idealism and fatalism with regard to the care pathway and quality of life. Taking a long-term approach to the care and systemised feedback from the patients form simple and economical levers for improvement.