Introduit en 2007 à l’occasion de la révision du code pénal suisse (CPS), l’article 59 a pour finalité de réduire les risques de récidive par le traitement psychiatrique de l’auteur d’un délit ou d’un crime. Cette sanction fait le pari d’un amendement du condamné en vue de sa réhabilitation. Or, la possibilité de reconduire les mesures pour une durée indéterminée et le défaut de structures de soins adéquates contrarient l’ambition initiale. Si ces aspects sont critiqués, l’article 59 ouvre un vaste chantier de réformes : le développement de l’expertise forensique et la création de territoires hybrides durablement occupés par une population de « patients-détenus ».
Introduced in 2007 during the revision of the Swiss Criminal Code, article 59 aims to reduce re-offending risks by delivering a psychiatric treatment order to the perpetrator of a criminal offense. This penalty bets on the offender’s amendment with a view to their rehabilitation. However, the possibility of extending the measures for an indefinite duration, and the lack of appropriate care facilities, thwart the initial ambition. Whereas these aspects are criticised, article 59 opens a vast reform process: the development of specialist forensic psychiatry and the creation of hybrid territories durably occupied by a population of “patient inmates”.
Introduced in 2007 during the revision of the Swiss Criminal Code, article 59 aims to reduce re-offending risks by delivering a psychiatric treatment order to the perpetrator of a criminal offense. This penalty bets on the offender’s amendment with a view to their rehabilitation. However, the possibility of extending the measures for an indefinite duration, and the lack of appropriate care facilities, thwart the initial ambition. Whereas these aspects are criticised, article 59 opens a vast reform process: the development of specialist forensic psychiatry and the creation of hybrid territories durably occupied by a population of “patient inmates”.