AB  - In this paper, we propose an approach to take into account , in a robust way, part-worth uncertainty in a share-of-choice (SOC) model. More precisely, we extend the method proposed by Wang and Curry by endogenously including competition. Indeed in their approach, competition is described exogenously and the model cannot take into account part-worth uncertainty for the competition’s products. Our extension permits us to take into account all effects of part-worth uncertainty, even those relative to the competition, and therefore improve substantially Wang and Curry’s approach.
AD  - Haute école de gestion de Genève, HES-SO Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale
AU  - Moresino, Francesco
DA  - 2021-02
DO  - 10.3390/math9030288
ID  - 7045
JF  - Mathematics
KW  - Economie/gestion
KW  - share-of-choice model
KW  - robust optimisation
KW  - conjoint analysis
L1  - https://arodes.hes-so.ch/record/7045/files/Published%20version.pdf
L2  - https://arodes.hes-so.ch/record/7045/files/Published%20version.pdf
L4  - https://arodes.hes-so.ch/record/7045/files/Published%20version.pdf
LA  - eng
LK  - https://arodes.hes-so.ch/record/7045/files/Published%20version.pdf
N2  - In this paper, we propose an approach to take into account , in a robust way, part-worth uncertainty in a share-of-choice (SOC) model. More precisely, we extend the method proposed by Wang and Curry by endogenously including competition. Indeed in their approach, competition is described exogenously and the model cannot take into account part-worth uncertainty for the competition’s products. Our extension permits us to take into account all effects of part-worth uncertainty, even those relative to the competition, and therefore improve substantially Wang and Curry’s approach.
PY  - 2021-02
SN  - 2227-7390
T1  - A robust share-of-choice model
TI  - A robust share-of-choice model
UR  - https://arodes.hes-so.ch/record/7045/files/Published%20version.pdf
VL  - 2021, vol. 9, no. 3, article 288, pp. 1-10
Y1  - 2021-02
ER  -