Introduction : Des croyances inappropriées concernant la lombalgie font parties des facteurs de risque de chronici¬sation. L’éducation thérapeutique est un élément clé favo¬risant un meilleur pronostic. Un site internet permettrait de transmettre les connaissances actuelles, cependant peu de sites francophones exposent la vision biopsychosociale des lombalgies. Objectif : Développer et faire une évaluation préliminaire d’un site internet d’information en français sur la lombalgie. Méthode : Le contenu du site a été élaboré en lien avec la littérature actuelle et la consultation d’experts. Puis, un questionnaire d’évaluation de la qualité du site a été créé et diffusé auprès d’experts, de physiothérapeutes et de la population générale. Les données quantitatives ont été présentées sous forme de pourcentages et les commen¬taires ajoutés par les participants ont été synthétisés afin d’apporter des précisions et des pistes d’amélioration. Résultats : 7 experts, 22 physiothérapeutes, 9 personnes lombalgiques et 24 personnes asymptomatiques ont parti¬cipé à l’évaluation du site. Six thèmes sur sept ont obtenu des réponses positives dans 87 à 99 % des cas. Les avis liés à la crédibilité ont été plus mitigés. Les participants ont spontanément relevé l’utilité du site et la transmission d’un message rassurant sur les lombalgies. Discussion/conclusion : Les diverses étapes constituant ce travail ont permis la création du site “www.infomaldedos.ch” qui a été perçu de manière très positive. Des sites internet basés sur le modèle biopsychosocial sont requis afin de transmettre les connaissances actuelles au plus grand nombre et d’uniformiser le discours des professionnels. De futures recherches sont nécessaires afin d’approfondir le rôle des sites internet d’informations sur le mal de dos.
Introduction: Inaccurate beliefs about low back pain are an additional risk factor for chronicization. Thus, thera-peutic education is a key component for better outcomes. A website would offer the possibility to communicate cur¬rent knowledge ; however, few websites in French depict the biopsychosocial vision of low back pain. Objective: The present study aimed to develop a web¬site in French about low back pain and perform a prelim¬inary assessment. Method: The content of the website was developed using the current literature and in consultation with experts. Then, we assessed its quality through a survey with experts, phys¬ical therapists, and general population. The quantitative data were presented as percentages. Next, the comments provided by the participants were synthetized and incor¬porated to provide clarifications and further improvements. Results: In total, 7 experts, 22 physical therapists, and 9 and 24 individuals with and without low back pain, respectively, participated in this study. Six themes out of seven received positive responses from 87–99 % of the participants. Credibility was more nuanced. The participants spontane¬ously noted the utility of the website and the transmission of a reassuring message about low back pain. Discussion/conclusion: The various stages constituting this work allowed the creation of the website “www.info¬maldedos.ch” which was positively reviewed by the survey participants. Websites based on the biopsychosocial model are necessary to share current knowledge with a wide audi¬ence and to standardize the discourse of professionals. Additional research is needed to further explore the use of websites in imparting information about low back pain.
Introduction: Inaccurate beliefs about low back pain are an additional risk factor for chronicization. Thus, thera-peutic education is a key component for better outcomes. A website would offer the possibility to communicate cur¬rent knowledge ; however, few websites in French depict the biopsychosocial vision of low back pain. Objective: The present study aimed to develop a web¬site in French about low back pain and perform a prelim¬inary assessment. Method: The content of the website was developed using the current literature and in consultation with experts. Then, we assessed its quality through a survey with experts, phys¬ical therapists, and general population. The quantitative data were presented as percentages. Next, the comments provided by the participants were synthetized and incor¬porated to provide clarifications and further improvements. Results: In total, 7 experts, 22 physical therapists, and 9 and 24 individuals with and without low back pain, respectively, participated in this study. Six themes out of seven received positive responses from 87–99 % of the participants. Credibility was more nuanced. The participants spontane¬ously noted the utility of the website and the transmission of a reassuring message about low back pain. Discussion/conclusion: The various stages constituting this work allowed the creation of the website “www.info¬maldedos.ch” which was positively reviewed by the survey participants. Websites based on the biopsychosocial model are necessary to share current knowledge with a wide audi¬ence and to standardize the discourse of professionals. Additional research is needed to further explore the use of websites in imparting information about low back pain.