
Gene Ray calls for a post-modernism that would fully overcome capitalist modernity and its catastrophes. From a reading of Walter Benjamin’s Thesis on the Philosophy of History and Trauerspiel, Ray invokes allegory as an operational mode likely to save the relics of lost fights and inspire future struggles. Art—thought of as a knowledge that uses not only reason but also the senses—must collect these relics lest they become the trophies of the ruling class: in the apocalypse-stricken aboriginal people of America and the devastating effects of the ecological crisis, Ray sees the consequences of the modern progress it pursues. Ray’s sharp reflections follow the completion of the The Anthropocene Atlas of Geneva (TAAG) HEAD-FNS collective research project, in which Ray took part. Amongst other things, TAAG put the little “green” Geneva back into the entanglement of the Anthropocene’s planetary perturbations through movies, documents, and interviews made by artist researchers.

