Lineto, lancée en 1999, est l’une des premières fonderies numériques de Suisse. Fusionnant les possibilités offertes par la conception numérique de polices et les promesses qu’offre le web, elle passe de la collaboration informelle de ses débuts au statut de géant suisse de la typographie, qui vend son approche innovante à des clients tels qu’Airbnb, Dell ou Spotify.
Cependant, Lineto ne se contente pas de revendre des typogra-
phies : elle a toujours été pensée comme une plateforme servant à plusieurs fins. Retracer son évolution révèle les nombreux rôles inhabituels joués par la fonderie, y compris ceux de réseau, lieu d’échange d’idées et de démarches, plateforme de publication, structure de distribution et de catalyseur. Ce faisant, Lineto a apporté son soutien au développement de la conception typographique mais aussi à celui de projets plus expéri-mentaux, influençant ainsi le discours du design suisse en général. Enfin, faire le tour de Lineto révèle son centre de gravité : de nombreux chemins mènent à Cornel Windlin, et à son rôle de clef de voûte.
Launched in 1999, Lineto was among the first digital foundries of Switzerland. Merging the possibilities offered by digital type design and the promises of the web, it evolved from informal collaboration to powerhouse of Swiss type design selling its edge to clients such as Airbnb, Dell or Spotify. However, Lineto was not just a type reseller: it was always intended to be a platform serving several purposes. Retracing its evolution unveils the many unusual functions taken by the foundry, including its role as network, trading place for ideas and attitudes as well as publishing platform, distribution structure and catalyst. In doing so, Lineto supported the development of type design but also of more experimental projects, thus impacting on the wider discourse of Swiss design. Finally, circling around Lineto reveals its centre of gravity: many paths lead to Cornel Windlin, and his role as central node is analysed.
Launched in 1999, Lineto was among the first digital foundries of Switzerland. Merging the possibilities offered by digital type design and the promises of the web, it evolved from informal collaboration to powerhouse of Swiss type design selling its edge to clients such as Airbnb, Dell or Spotify. However, Lineto was not just a type reseller: it was always intended to be a platform serving several purposes. Retracing its evolution unveils the many unusual functions taken by the foundry, including its role as network, trading place for ideas and attitudes as well as publishing platform, distribution structure and catalyst. In doing so, Lineto supported the development of type design but also of more experimental projects, thus impacting on the wider discourse of Swiss design. Finally, circling around Lineto reveals its centre of gravity: many paths lead to Cornel Windlin, and his role as central node is analysed.