      recid = {4685},
      author = {Gouilhers, Solène and Meyer, Yvonne and Inglin, Sophie and  Pfister Boulenaz, Stéphanie and Schnegg, Céline and Hammer,  Raphaël},
      title = {Pregnancy as a transition : first‐time expectant couples′  experience with alcohol consumption},
      journal = {Drug and alcohol review},
      address = {2019-11},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      pages = {8 p.},
      abstract = {Introduction and Aims

Most official healthcare guidelines  apply the precautionary principle by recommending that  pregnant women abstain from any alcohol consumption.  However, a number of women continue drinking alcohol while  pregnant. The aim of this study was to investigate couples′  experiences of the issue of alcohol consumption during  pregnancy as a transitional process.
Design and  Methods

Thirty semi‐directive joint interviews were  conducted with couples expecting their first child in  Switzerland. Interviews were analysed thematically with the  help of ATLAS.ti.

Couples endorsed the imperative  of changing drinking habits and all the women reduced their  alcohol consumption, although some reported difficulties.  First, we identified three themes describing how couples  experienced the woman′s change of drinking habits as a  smooth transition: Internalisation of risk discourses,  abstinence as a social norm and embodiment of alcohol  aversion. Second, we emphasised four kinds of difficulties  that couples encountered in their everyday lives: burden of  risk discourses, conflicting advice, social occasions and  desire for alcohol.
Discussion and Conclusions

This paper  makes a significant contribution by examining prenatal  drinking change as a transition. In this conceptualisation,  the change of alcohol consumption is a relational process  that is shaped by multiple changes and social norms. Our  findings have important implications for practice. First,  health professionals should be aware of the difficulties  women experience when they abstain from alcohol during  pregnancy. Second, our findings suggest the importance of a  patient‐centred approach that considers the role of the  partner in supporting a pregnant woman′s change of alcohol  consumption.},
      url = {http://arodes.hes-so.ch/record/4685},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.1111/dar.12973},