AIM : To understand the meaning and impact of translating “midwifery” into “maïeutique” as proposed in The Lancet Series on Midwifery.
METHODS : Linguistic change in terminology was analyzed by comparing English/French translations, reviewing the French literature, and analyzing the results of a survey among French-speaking midwives' associations.
FINDINGS : Translation comparisons and French literature showed that the use of “maïeutique” was far from the definition given in The Lancet Series. Results of the survey conducted by the Swiss Federation of Midwives showed that the terms “maïeuticien” and “maïeutique” gained little acceptance.
CONCLUSION : It is important that the chosen term is meaningful to the French-speaking population, midwives, and stakeholders. Such a name change deserves a consultation with the French-speaking midwives and careful consideration of all the possible implications.