L'objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier les principes de visions et de divisions qui structurent la profession infirmière. Dans un contexte notamment marqué par la récente académisation de la formation en soins infirmiers, le vieillissement de la population ainsi que par l’introduction de politiques dites de « rationalisation » du système de soins, il est nécessaire de saisir les effets différenciés qu’ont ces éléments sur la profession. Mobilisant la théorie des champs de Pierre Bourdieu, la profession infirmière est considérée comme un espace de différenciation entre des agents ayant des positions et des prises de position concourantes ou divergentes, ce précisément à propos de la définition même de la profession.
Sur la base d’une enquête par questionnaire (n=2923) et par entretiens (n=31) menée en Suisse romande, il s’agit de montrer que loin de constituer le groupe homogène auquel renvoie la dénomination professionnelle d’infirmière, l’espace infirmier est composé d’une pluralité de positions auxquelles sont associées des représentations et des pratiques professionnelles. Notre étude permet de comprendre que ces positions dépendent du volume et de la composition d’un capital symbolique constitué d’une combinaison de ressources à la fois médicales et infirmières. À des professionnelles dotées de capital médical et exerçant dans des services hospitaliers fortement médicalisés s’opposent des infirmières
dotées de capital infirmier exerçant dans des services extrahospitaliers et moins médicalisés. Ces positions, en lien avec les trajectoires sociales qui y conduisent, sont associées à des conceptions distinctes des soins et des rapports aux autres professions. Habituellement mobilisée pour analyser des espaces sociaux fortement structurés et dominants dans le champ du pouvoir (e.g. les champs juridique et politique), la théorie des champs permet ici d’appréhender un espace social en tension constante par son positionnement à la confluence de divers champs (e.g. champ médical, champ académique, champ économique). Ce décalage par rapport à son usage courant souligne le caractère heuristique de ce programme de recherche. Il permet de montrer que la profession infirmière peut être analysée à l’aide de ce dispositif théorique comme un espace professionnel – révélant ainsi les rapports sociaux de domination et les luttes existant autour de la définition de la profession et des pratiques infirmières légitimes – bien que son inscription dans le champ médical et sa perméabilité aux effets grandissants du champ économique lui confère une autonomie restreinte qui ne permet pas de caractériser cet espace comme un véritable champ.
The aim of this thesis is to study the main visions and divisions structuring the nursing profession. In the context of the recent académisation of the training of nurses, the ageing of the population and the "rationalisation" of the healthcare system, it is necessary to understand the differentiated effects that these elements have on the profession. By using Pierre Bourdieu's concept of "fields", we consider the nursing profession as a differentiation space among agents occupying differentiated positions and who take concurring or diverging views regarding the very définition of the profession. On the basis of a survey (n=2923) and interviews (n=31) in francophone Switzerland, the thesis shows that, far from constituting a homogenous group to which the professions 1 dénomination of nurse refers, the nursing space is composed of a plurality of positions to which représentations and pralèssional practices are associated. Our study shows that these positions dépend on the volume and composition ofa symbolic capital made up ofa combination ofboth médical and nursing resourees, Professions I s endowed with a médical capital and working in very medicalised hospital units are distingUished from nurses endowed with a nursing capital and working in extemal hospital services in a less medicalised environ ment. These standpoints - linked to the social paths leading to them - are associated to distinct conceptions of nursing and relations with other professions. The concept of field is usually used to analyse social areas that are strongly structured and dominant in the fields of power (e.g. légal and political fields) but in this case the concept allows us to analyse a social space in constant tension because of its location at the confluence of différent fields (e.g. médical, academic, economic). The mismatch with its usual use underlines the heuristic character of this research program. The nursing profession can be analysed as a professional space using this theoretical framework - thus revealing the social relations of domination and the existing struggles around the définition of the profession itself and legitimate nursing practices - even though its inclusion in the médical field and its vulnerability to the rising effects of the economic field gives it a limited autonomy that doesn't allow us to characterise this space as a true field.
The aim of this thesis is to study the main visions and divisions structuring the nursing profession. In the context of the recent académisation of the training of nurses, the ageing of the population and the "rationalisation" of the healthcare system, it is necessary to understand the differentiated effects that these elements have on the profession. By using Pierre Bourdieu's concept of "fields", we consider the nursing profession as a differentiation space among agents occupying differentiated positions and who take concurring or diverging views regarding the very définition of the profession. On the basis of a survey (n=2923) and interviews (n=31) in francophone Switzerland, the thesis shows that, far from constituting a homogenous group to which the professions 1 dénomination of nurse refers, the nursing space is composed of a plurality of positions to which représentations and pralèssional practices are associated. Our study shows that these positions dépend on the volume and composition ofa symbolic capital made up ofa combination ofboth médical and nursing resourees, Professions I s endowed with a médical capital and working in very medicalised hospital units are distingUished from nurses endowed with a nursing capital and working in extemal hospital services in a less medicalised environ ment. These standpoints - linked to the social paths leading to them - are associated to distinct conceptions of nursing and relations with other professions. The concept of field is usually used to analyse social areas that are strongly structured and dominant in the fields of power (e.g. légal and political fields) but in this case the concept allows us to analyse a social space in constant tension because of its location at the confluence of différent fields (e.g. médical, academic, economic). The mismatch with its usual use underlines the heuristic character of this research program. The nursing profession can be analysed as a professional space using this theoretical framework - thus revealing the social relations of domination and the existing struggles around the définition of the profession itself and legitimate nursing practices - even though its inclusion in the médical field and its vulnerability to the rising effects of the economic field gives it a limited autonomy that doesn't allow us to characterise this space as a true field.