Notre projet part du constat que le champ de la psychiatrie et les acteurs qui s’y croisent constituent une réalité tellement complexe qu’il est impossible de la saisir uniquement à travers le récit d'un seul énonciateur : c'est au contraire la polyphonie de points de vue et d’expériences qui paraît le plus à même de restituer la richesse de ce champ. Afin de rendre possible cette polyphonie, nous avons développé un dispositif audiovisuel privilégiant la parole ainsi qu’une forme d’horizontalité dans la mise en récit des différents énonciateurs. Ainsi, une trentaine de personnes liées d’une manière ou d’une autre à la psychiatrie ont été interviewées selon le même canevas de questions, au même endroit, devant un fond bleu uni. Dans cet article, nous reviendrons, dans un premier temps, sur la réflexion qui a mené à la mise en place d’un tel dispositif. Nous évoquerons, deuxièmement, la sélection de l’échantillon et l’étape du tournage. Nous développerons, ensuite, les nombreuses réflexions apparues lors du montage des séquences vidéo et les choix opérés pour la valorisation de notre projet. Enfin, nous aborderons les différentes possibilités d’usages de ce projet et les retours que ces usages ont suscités.
It is our conviction that psychiatry and its actors are complex. It is therefore not possible to approach it from a single perspective. On the contrary, a polyphony of perspectives and experiences would better reflect this field. To apply this polyphony, our research team developed an audiovisual device that priorities the actors’ speech, making no hierarchy between the different discourses. For our study, we have interviewed more than thirty people, who are personally and/or professionally engaged with psychiatry. For each person we used the same framework in terms of questions, location of shooting device. In this paper, we will first expose the initial thoughts that brought us to set up such a device. Secondly, we will describe our methodology and the process of shooting. Thirdly, we will present the many questions that arose while we were editing the video sequences and how we valorized our project. Finally, we will question the various ways in which our project could be used in the future, as well as comment on the feedback that we have received so far for our project.
It is our conviction that psychiatry and its actors are complex. It is therefore not possible to approach it from a single perspective. On the contrary, a polyphony of perspectives and experiences would better reflect this field. To apply this polyphony, our research team developed an audiovisual device that priorities the actors’ speech, making no hierarchy between the different discourses. For our study, we have interviewed more than thirty people, who are personally and/or professionally engaged with psychiatry. For each person we used the same framework in terms of questions, location of shooting device. In this paper, we will first expose the initial thoughts that brought us to set up such a device. Secondly, we will describe our methodology and the process of shooting. Thirdly, we will present the many questions that arose while we were editing the video sequences and how we valorized our project. Finally, we will question the various ways in which our project could be used in the future, as well as comment on the feedback that we have received so far for our project.