      recid = {3479},
      author = {Upegui, Andres and Thoma, Yann and Sanchez, Eduardo and  Perez-Uribe, Andres and Moreno, Juan Manuel and Madrenas,  Jordi},
      title = {The Perplexus bio-inspired reconfigurable circuit},
      publisher = {5-8 August 2007},
      journal = {Proceedings of Second NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive  Hardware and Systems(AHS 2007), 5-8 August 2007, Edinburgh,  UK},
      address = {Edinurgh, UK. 2007-08},
      number = {CONFERENCE},
      pages = {6 p.},
      abstract = {This paper introduces the ubichip, a custom reconfigurable  electronic device capable of implementing bioinspired  circuits featuring growth, learning, and evolution. The  ubichip is developed in the framework of Perplexus, a  European project that aims to develop a scalable hardware  platform made of bio-inspired custom reconfigurable devices  for simulating large-scale complex systems. In  this paper,  we describe the configurability and architectural  mechanisms that will allow the implementation of evolvable  and developmental cellular and neural systems in an  efficient way. These mechanisms are dynamic routing,  selfreconfiguration, and a neural-friendly logic cell’s  architecture.},
      url = {http://arodes.hes-so.ch/record/3479},