L’utilisation des ceintures chez les lombalgiques semble très controversée. Malgré cela, les ceintures pourraient être un outil de traitement intéressant : elles ont peu d’effets secondaires et restent non invasives.
Analyser les effets des ceintures lombo-pelviennes chez les lombalgiques. Sources données : Pubmed et Science Direct. Évaluation des études et méthodes de synthèse : Une revue de la littérature a permis de sélectionner 12 articles qui ont été analysés à l’aide des grilles de lecture HAS.
Les ceintures sont souvent efficaces associées à d’autres prises en charge sur la douleur, l’équilibre, les récidives et favorisent la récupération fonctionnelle.
La grande diversité des types de ceintures, des protocoles d’utilisation et des populations cibles.
Le type de ceinture est en lien avec le stade de la lombalgie. Jusqu’à présent, il manque des études comparant toutes les ceintures aux différents stades de la lombalgie.
Niveau de preuve
Context The use of belts in low back pain is highly controversial. Even so, they could be an interesting means of treatment: they have few side-effects and are non-invasive. Objective To analyze the effects of lumbar-pelvic belts in low back pain, with a search of the PubMed and Science Direct data-bases. Results A review of the literature retrieved 12 articles, which were analyzed using the French health authority reading grids. When associated to other types of treatment, belts are often effective on pain, balance and recurrence and promote functional recovery. Limitations There is a wide variety of belt types, treatment protocols and target populations. Conclusion The type of belt is related to the stage of low back pain. There is a lack of studies comparing the effects of all types of belt at all stages of low back pain. Level of evidence 3.
Context The use of belts in low back pain is highly controversial. Even so, they could be an interesting means of treatment: they have few side-effects and are non-invasive. Objective To analyze the effects of lumbar-pelvic belts in low back pain, with a search of the PubMed and Science Direct data-bases. Results A review of the literature retrieved 12 articles, which were analyzed using the French health authority reading grids. When associated to other types of treatment, belts are often effective on pain, balance and recurrence and promote functional recovery. Limitations There is a wide variety of belt types, treatment protocols and target populations. Conclusion The type of belt is related to the stage of low back pain. There is a lack of studies comparing the effects of all types of belt at all stages of low back pain. Level of evidence 3.