      recid = {2422},
      author = {Ingensand, Jens and Lotfian, Maryam and Ertz, Olivier and  Piot, David and Composto, Sarah and Oberson, Mathias and  Oulevay, Simon and Da Cunha, Mélanie},
      title = {Augmented reality technologies for biodiversity education  : a case study},
      publisher = {12-15 June 2018},
      journal = {Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Geo-information  science, AGILE 2018, Lund 12-15 June, Sweden},
      address = {Lund, Sweden. 2018-06},
      number = {CONFERENCE},
      pages = {5 p.},
      abstract = {Mobile technology is developing fast in recent years, and  the price of mobile devices is dropping and becoming  affordable for the majority of people. As a result, the use  of smartphones and tablets is increasing at a rapid rate,  even among children. Nowadays, in many countries,  smartphones are being used at school as advanced teaching  tools to motivate children to learn better. One of the  recent examples is the utilization of Augmented Reality  mobile applications for educational purposes. This paper is  presenting an AR mobile application, which is encouraging  children to learn about biodiversity. The application was  evaluated during a field trip with 15 pupils of around 10  years of age, and the results illustrate the behavior of  the pupils using the application, and the potential of the  app to create a connection between the students and the  nature. Moreover, analyzing the time the pupils spent on  the application demonstrates a motivation among the pupils  to find out about various species through a combination of  an outdoor activity and a mobile application.},
      url = {http://arodes.hes-so.ch/record/2422},