      recid = {1835},
      author = {Priftis, Athanasios and Slater, Matthew and Trabichet,  Jean-Philippe},
      title = {The Credit Commons : an open protocol of promises},
      publisher = {10 - 13 May 2016},
      journal = {Proceedings of  IASC Regional European Conference 2016,  Bern, Switzerland,  10-13 May 2016},
      address = {Bern, Switzerland. 2016-05},
      number = {CONFERENCE},
      pages = {17 p.},
      abstract = {Credit Commons is an infrastructure, aiming to link  existing and new communities in an open, grassroots,  intercommunity value exchange environment. This paper aims  to demonstrate that an infrastructure for intra and inter  community exchange cannot be considered, merely as a  technological project. It needs to be founded on a  sociotechnical approach and deployed within an inclusive  approach ensuring the early engagement of users and  communities, as well as, other organisations such as  academic institutions. Credit Commons comes to reinforce  existing currency interchange hub solutions (Huber et  Martignoni, 2013) having Switzerland as their initial  center of activities. In this sense, the Credit Commons  infrastructure would operate on three areas developed in  this paper: Firstly, explaining the concept of mutual  credit in a credit commons infrastructure. inclusive,  crosscommunity participation, based on local communities  accounting systems and mutual credit principles. Business  entities engaging in bartering, online payments and  transactions services, timebanks, LETS each with their  respective time management systems are possible Credit  Commons nodes. Secondly, mapping and discussing on the  Credit Commons community. This part is looking closer to  what kind of pilots and communities would be interested to  use this infrastructure. The Credit Commons propose an  inclusive design methodology, integrating a horizontal  gender approach on Credit Common’s impact, social metrics  and evaluation Thirdly, early deploying the open protocol  layer as the backbone of the Credit Commons, where the  aforementioned entities develop their activities. CoWaBoo  is a protocol aiming to provide a sociotechnical section in  between an early technical implementation of a  intercommunity transactions protocol, confronted to group  formation, knowledge curation and redocumentation of  results in distributed, blockchain, architectures. This  paper will end with a short discussion on the promise of a  more transparent complexity that protocols based on  blockchain and smart contracts bring with them. We are  entering a new era of possibilities, and responsibilities,  where sociotechnical tools will be conditioning both to our  understanding and acting in it.},
      url = {http://arodes.hes-so.ch/record/1835},