
This paper presents findings from a mixed-method action research study the objective of which was to examine the use of Web 2.0 technologies in the higher education classroom to promote self-reg ulation, information-seeking and exchange, and collaborative learning. The research was carried out with 1st year (n=85) business degree students. Qualitative analysis, through observation, discussion, student feedback and class evaluation suggests that students, at least at the outset of higher education, are far from ready to shoulder the responsibility for their own learning. Quantitative results, using the Participant Perception Inventory-Internet versus Traditional Learning (PPI-IvT) (Lee & Tsai, 2011), instrument show that statistically there are few d ifferences perceived between th e two classroom situations and significant differences (p<.05) are found only in regard to information-seeking & exchange and, collaborative learning. These findings suggest that today's digital natives are not digital learners and that for them to evolve in education's changing paradigm will call for scaffolding and e ducator accompaniment. Recommendations are made for educators interested in the inclusion of digital technologies in their course design and delivery.

