@article{Chaudron:15252, recid = {15252}, author = {Chaudron, Camille and Faucher, Mélanie and Bazinet, Laurent and Margni, Manuele}, title = {The cost is not enough - an alternative eco-efficiency approach applied to cranberry de-acidification}, publisher = {Elsevier}, journal = {Journal of Cleaner Production}, address = {Amsterdam. 2019-09}, number = {ARTICLE}, pages = {9 p.}, note = {MARGNI, Manuele est un chercheur à la HEI-VS, HES-SO depuis 2020.}, abstract = {Food production and transformation have an increasing impact on the environment. Tools to help the agri-food industry improving its environmental performance whilst increasing the value of the products are highly needed. The present study proposes a new approach to calculate eco-efficiency that goes beyond the production costs, but accounts for the functional value of the foodstuff. Instead of using the monetary unit as the product value, we propose value-based metrics closer to consumer interests, such as content of functional nutrients, taste and abatement of harmful substances. The approach was applied to evaluate the eco-efficiency of de-acidified cranberry juice by two alternative technologies in Quebec: ion-exchange resin process and de-acidification by electrodialysis with a bipolar membrane. Both are compared to non-de-acidified cranberry juice. The parameters chosen to quantify cranberry juice are polyphenol content, product taste, and percentage of harmful acid removed. Results show ion-exchange resin de-acidified juice is less eco-efficient than non-de-acidified cranberry juice for polyphenol content and product taste indicator but shows better results for the removed harmful acid parameter. The electrodialysis with a bipolar membrane technology allows the extraction of organic acids in a usable form. We evaluated their re-utilization in four different contexts showing that this context choice might have a key impact on the eco-efficiency conclusion. The most eco-efficient scenario is the utilization of the removed acid in dried cranberry production with the addition of sugar beet. By using an approach closer to consumers' interests, eco-efficiency results can be more relevant for decision making in the context of cleaner production, particularly when the monetary value is not reliable.}, url = {http://arodes.hes-so.ch/record/15252}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.05.261}, }