      recid = {15250},
      author = {Pradinaud, Charlotte and Northey, Stephen and Amor, Ben  and Bare, Jane and Benini, Lorenzo and Berger, Markus and  Boulay, Anne-Marie and Junqua, Guillaume and Lathuillière,  Michael J. and Margni, Manuele and Motoshita, Masaharu and  Niblick, Briana and Payen, Sandra and Pfister, Stephan and  Quinteiro, Paula and Sonderegger, Thomas and Rosenbaum,  Ralph K.},
      title = {Defining freshwater as a natural resource : a framework  linking water use to the area of protection natural  resources},
      publisher = {Springer Nature},
      journal = {The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment},
      address = {Berlin, Germany. 2019-01},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      pages = {15 p.},
      note = {MARGNI, Manuele est un chercheur à la HEI-VS, HES-SO  depuis 2020.},
      abstract = {While many examples have shown unsustainable use of  freshwater resources, existing LCIA methods for water use  do not comprehensively address impacts to natural resources  for future generations. This framework aims to (1) define  freshwater resource as an item to protect within the Area  of Protection (AoP) natural resources, (2) identify  relevant impact pathways affecting freshwater resources,  and (3) outline methodological choices for impact  characterization model development. Considering the current  scope of the AoP natural resources, the complex nature of  freshwater resources and its important dimensions to  safeguard safe future supply, a definition of freshwater  resource is proposed, including water quality aspects. In  order to clearly define what is to be protected, the  freshwater resource is put in perspective through the lens  of the three main safeguard subjects defined by Dewulf et  al. (2015). In addition, an extensive literature review  identifies a wide range of possible impact pathways to  freshwater resources, establishing the link between  different inventory elementary flows (water consumption,  emissions, and land use) and their potential to cause  long-term freshwater depletion or degradation. Freshwater  as a resource has a particular status in LCA resource  assessment. First, it exists in the form of three types of  resources: flow, fund, or stock. Then, in addition to being  a resource for human economic activities (e.g.,  hydropower), it is above all a non-substitutable support  for life that can be affected by both consumption (source  function) and pollution (sink function). Therefore, both  types of elementary flows (water consumption and emissions)  should be linked to a damage indicator for freshwater as a  resource. Land use is also identified as a potential  stressor to freshwater resources by altering runoff,  infiltration, and erosion processes as well as  evapotranspiration. It is suggested to use the concept of  recovery period to operationalize this framework: when the  recovery period lasts longer than a given period of time,  impacts are considered to be irreversible and fall into the  concern of freshwater resources protection (i.e., affecting  future generations), while short-term impacts effect the  AoP ecosystem quality and human health directly. It is  shown that it is relevant to include this concept in the  impact assessment stage in order to discriminate the  long-term from the short-term impacts, as some dynamic fate  models already do. This framework provides a solid basis  for the consistent development of future LCIA methods for  freshwater resources, thereby capturing the potential  long-term impacts that could warn decision makers about  potential safe water supply issues in the future.},
      url = {http://arodes.hes-so.ch/record/15250},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11367-018-1543-8},