      recid = {15206},
      author = {Kane, Malick and Favrat, Daniel},
      title = {The general exergy method of heating/cooling technology  design for optimization},
      journal = {Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on  Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and  Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2023), 25-30  June 2023, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain},
      address = {2023-06},
      number = {CONFERENCE},
      pages = {12 p.},
      abstract = {A general exergy based-design method for optimization of  heat pump/refrigeration systems is proposed. It is based on  a concept of overall temperature level of a flow-energy, to  propose a general expression of overall exergy efficiency  and losses of any heat pump/refrigeration cycle. Explicit  and general relations of exergy efficiency and coefficient  of performances are given to evaluate de performance of  such cycles regarding the selection of working fluids, the  characteristic of equipment (pinches on evaporators and  condensers, performance characteristics of compressors and  expansion valve) and the design methods for optimization.  Rigorously we introduce the overall and complete exergy  efficiency for the most general cases where two energy  services are provided, like producing simultaneously  refrigeration and heating services or when the cycle is  located in a temperature domain far from the atmospheric  temperature. This complete exergy efficiency is determined  by considering losses in the various components of the  cycle and permits to analyse the various cases of heat pump  systems including frigopump and thermopump with or without  cogeneration systems. Such a method will facilitate the use  of exergy theory in a way to highlight the existing link  and relationship between energy and exergy losses of heat  pump systems. Results of using such a method will be shown  for simple and advanced cycles. Results show that the  coefficient of performance of a heat pump/refrigeration  installation does not necessarily depend on the reference  atmospheric temperature but only on the intrinsic  parameters relating to the choice of cycle, the operating  conditions and the components of the machine. These  parameters are obviously chosen according to the  temperature levels of the available sources.},
      url = {http://arodes.hes-so.ch/record/15206},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.52202/069564-0078},