      recid = {14922},
      author = {Peter, Karin Anne and Voirol, Christian and Kunz, Stefan  and Schwarze, Thomas and Gurtner, Caroline and Zeyer,  Albert and Blasimann, Angela and Golz, Christoph and  Gurtner, Andrea and Renggli, Fabienne and Hahn, Sabine},
      title = {Reducing work-related stress among health professionals by  using a training-based intervention programme for leaders  in a cluster randomised controlled trial},
      publisher = {Springer Nature},
      journal = {Scientific Reports},
      address = {[London]. 2024-10},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      pages = {17 p.},
      abstract = {Healthcare organisations worldwide are affected by the  shortage of health professionals due to
work-related stress  and health professional leaders play an important role by  implementing effective
strategies. Therefore, this study  aims to investigate whether the STRAIN intervention  program
(using evidence-based training for health  professional leaders) can reduce work-related stress  among
health professionals. This study is based on a  cluster randomised controlled trial, consists of  three
measurements and includes 165 participating  hospitals, nursing homes and home care organisations.
A  total of 206 health professional leaders took part in the  intervention programme and 19,340 health
professionals  participated in the study. Results showed no significant  differences (p > 0.05) between
the intervention and control  group regarding the effort-reward imbalance ratio,  quantitative demands,
opportunities for development, bond  with the organisation, quality of leadership, social  community,
role clarity, rewards, difficulties with  demarcation and work–private life conflict. Pre-/post-test  analysis
revealed a tendency for significant positive  results (p < 0.05) for stressors, stress symptoms and  longterm
consequences for organisations with a leaders’  participation rate of ≥ 75%. Leaders’ awareness,
commitment  and readiness is essential to implement effective  strategies reducing work-related stress},
      url = {http://arodes.hes-so.ch/record/14922},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-73939-y},