Cette communication décrit l’expérimentation d’un robot qui transporte des bagages pour les touristes,
à travers les rues d’une station de ski. Notre intérêt porte sur l’autonomie de ce robot pour réaliser le
service attendu par l’utilisateur, ainsi que sur les interventions des opérateurs soutenant le fonctionnement
de celui-ci. L’analyse est centrée sur les observations réalisées lors d’un test du robot en mode autonome.
Elle révèle que de nombreuses interventions humaines sont nécessaires pour que le véhicule puisse
effectuer le trajet attendu. Un double phénomène d’adaptation de l’humain à la machine se dessine. Il
y a d’une part les actions anticipées ou réactives de la part des opérateurs pour permettre au robot
d’éviter les obstacles sur sa trajectoire. Il y a également des stratégies d’évitement des usagers de la rue,
pour permettre au robot de suivre sa trajectoire. Cette étude montre que plusieurs défis sont encore à
relever pour concevoir une technologie pensée à la fois dans l’usage et pour l’usage.
This paper describes the experimentation of a robot that carries luggage for tourists through the streets of a ski resort. Our interest is in the autonomy of this robot to perform the service expected by the user, as well as in the interventions of the operators supporting the functioning of the robot. The analysis is centered on observations made during a test of the robot in autonomous mode. It reveals that many human interventions are necessary for the vehicle to perform the expected journey. A double phenomenon of adaptation of the human to the machine emerges. On the one hand, there are anticipated or reactive actions on the part of the operators to enable the robot to avoid obstacles on its trajectory. There are also strategies for avoiding street users, to allow the robot to follow its trajectory. This study shows that there are still several challenges to be met in order to design a technology that is both in use and for use.
This paper describes the experimentation of a robot that carries luggage for tourists through the streets of a ski resort. Our interest is in the autonomy of this robot to perform the service expected by the user, as well as in the interventions of the operators supporting the functioning of the robot. The analysis is centered on observations made during a test of the robot in autonomous mode. It reveals that many human interventions are necessary for the vehicle to perform the expected journey. A double phenomenon of adaptation of the human to the machine emerges. On the one hand, there are anticipated or reactive actions on the part of the operators to enable the robot to avoid obstacles on its trajectory. There are also strategies for avoiding street users, to allow the robot to follow its trajectory. This study shows that there are still several challenges to be met in order to design a technology that is both in use and for use.