

Project description: Sub-aim 1.1 summarised the evidence regarding determinants for and strategies to improve data quality in long-term care facilities, described how risk adjustment influences public reporting, and summarised the evidence regarding scaling-up strategies for evidence-based interventions. Methodological approach: Four literature reviews were performed. Core results: Key determinants for data quality were: the use of electronic health records (in comparison to paper-based records), perceptions and attitudes towards care and older persons, and perceptions towards the usefulness of resident documentation. Most studies used reminder strategies in the form of assessment protocols, and some coupled this with educational strategies to improve completeness of documentation. Three examples demonstrated that risk adjustment reduces the influences of case-mix differences between facilities. Implementation strategies supporting scale-up of complex interventions included developing collaborations with stakeholders (i.e., facility staff and other partners in the implementation process), as well as providing them with education, training and interactive assistance.

