      recid = {13559},
      author = {Villeneuve, Myriam and Ogourtsova, Tatiana and  Deblock-Bellamy, Anne and Blanchette, Andréanne and Bühler,  Marco A. and Fung, Joyce and McFadyen, Bradford J. and  Menon, Anita and Perez, Claire and Sangani, Samir and  Lamontagne, Anouk},
      title = {Development of a virtual reality-based intervention for  community walking post stroke : an integrated knowledge  translation approach},
      journal = {Disability and Rehabilitation},
      address = {2023-11},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      pages = {12 p.},
      abstract = {Purpose. To develop a virtual reality (VR) based  intervention targeting community walking requirements.  Methods. Two focus groups each involving 7 clinicians  allowed exploring optimal features, needed support and  perceived favorable/unfavorable factors associated with the  use of the VR-based intervention from the clinicians’  perspective. Three stroke survivors and 2 clinicians  further interacted with the intervention and filled  questionnaires related to acceptability and  favorable/unfavorable perceptions on the VR intervention.  Stroke participants additionally rated their perceived  effort (NASA Tax Load Index), presence (Slater-Usoh-Steed)  and cybersickness (Simulator Sickness Questionnaire).  Results. Results identified optimal features (patient  eligibility criteria, task complexity), needed support  (training, human assistance), as well as favorable  (cognitive stimulation, engagement, representativeness of  therapeutic goals) and unfavorable factors (misalignment  with a natural walking pattern, client suitability,  generalization to real-life) associated with the  intervention. Acceptability scores following the  interaction with the tool were 28 and 42 (max 56) for  clinicians and ranged from 43 to 52 for stroke  participants. Stroke participants reported moderate  perceptions of effort (range:20-33/max:60), high levels of  presence (29-42/42) and minimal cybersickness (0-3/64).  Conclusion. Findings collected in the early development  phase of the VR intervention will allow addressing  favorable/unfavorable factors and incorporating desired  optimal features, prior to conducting effectiveness and  implementation studies. IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATION.  This study presents the development process of a new  virtual reality (VR) intervention for community walking and  participation in stroke survivors. Results from the focus  group and hands-on pilot trial suggest that the VR  intervention is feasible and accepted by clinicians and  stroke survivors. Addressing favorable/unfavorable factors  and incorporating features desired by clinicians in the  development of the VR tool should promote its eventual  implementation in clinical setting.},
      url = {http://arodes.hes-so.ch/record/13559},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2023.2277397},