

n a research project dedicated to learning instruments for new learners , we asked students to express their revising process for examination. We asked 105 academic students, in groups of 3-4 people, to work on designing a common way for revision. We generalized the results in a workflow, which shows that redoing exercises is the most frequently activity mentioned and takes place before revising the theory. The second process consists in making a revision summary collectively. When at the end of the session students had to answer a survey question: "How are group revisions for exams carried out?", 28 groups out of 33 put forward the notion of collaborative revision (exchanging notes, asking each other questions and redoing the exercises, remotely or not). Intuitively, we had imagined that the students would start the revision process by producing the summaries before carrying out the exercises, moving from theory to practice, and will revise individually. The opposite occurs. This can help both students and teachers by showing the average revision process, which is generally unexpressed, and emphasizing the value of the collective and the effective place of theoretical concepts in learning.

