

The canton of Geneva declared the climate emergency in 2019 and published its energy master plan in 2021. This has given a major impulse to several programs to support and encourage the energy refurbishment of the building stock in the canton, implemented by the cantonal energy office, Services Industriels de Genève (SIG) and the Haute école du paysage, d’ingénierie et architecture de Genève (hepia). Among the projects launched is the “Commune rénove“ program, which aims, to encourage municipalities to take proactive steps to target owners of priority buildings for renovation and to help them implement ambitious energy refurbishment projects. In this context, hepia has developed tools to enhance municipalities’ level of knowledge of the building stock on their territory and support them in targeting and informing the buildings’ owners about potential refurbishment scenarios. These tools include typology guidance sheets, a typological census covering the whole canton, and interactive maps, that are used by local authorities in their approach to owners of multi-family buildings, which represent the most important source of energy savings.

