Les communautés monastiques catholiques ont connu d’importants bouleversements depuis un demi-siècle. Cette forme de vie, modèle de régularité et de rigueur, est aujourd’hui confrontée à plusieurs enjeux, comme le manque de novices et le vieillissement d’une grande partie de leurs membres. Ces communautés s’attachent à garder sur place les membres les plus âgés tout en restant attractives pour des hôtes ou des postulants à la recherche d’une vie régulière, favorable au développement personnel et spirituel. À partir d’une enquête ethnographique menée en Suisse et en France, les auteurs mettent en évidence les pratiques de santé de ces lieux particuliers, les aménagements que ces communautés opèrent pour répondre aux nécessités de leurs membres, jeunes ou âgés, et être en phase avec leur temps.
Catholic monastic communities have undergone significant upheaval over the past half century. This form of life, a model of regularity and rigor, is today confronted with several challenges, such as the lack of novices and the aging of a large part of their members. These communities strive to keep their oldest members in place while remaining attractive to guests or postulants seeking a regular life, favorable to personal and spiritual development. Based on an ethnographic survey conducted in Switzerland and France, the authors highlight the health practices of these particular places, the adjustments that these communities make to meet the needs of their members, young or old, and to keep up with the times.
Catholic monastic communities have undergone significant upheaval over the past half century. This form of life, a model of regularity and rigor, is today confronted with several challenges, such as the lack of novices and the aging of a large part of their members. These communities strive to keep their oldest members in place while remaining attractive to guests or postulants seeking a regular life, favorable to personal and spiritual development. Based on an ethnographic survey conducted in Switzerland and France, the authors highlight the health practices of these particular places, the adjustments that these communities make to meet the needs of their members, young or old, and to keep up with the times.