

The need for densification in cities creates a challenge for designers and policy makers in order to provide sufficient access to daylight and sunlight to buildings and to the open public spaces in-between. Guidance and policies should provide site specific recommendations and targets to designers and developers to allow for an optimal dimensioning of the massing for new development. This guidance should be based on the local climate and specific to the site. At the core of this guidance should be an objective method of assessment based on climatic data with flexible targets. The proposed method is based on “multishading masks” (Fig. 1) or “effective envelope area pictures” which are two different ways of “mapping” the visibility between buildings’ envelope or the open spaces and the sky vault. These are later processed to compute a set of quality indicators that can be used to compare proposed massing configurations and select the most efficient ones. Some of these indicators such as the Sky Component are independent from the site while others such as the Potential or Actual Sunlight Exposure are latitude or site specific respectively.

