
Cement-bonded wood-based materials (Wood-Cement Compound: WCC) are used in construction since the beginning of the 20th century already. Until today, however, they are chiefly used as non-structural finishing layers where their good fire resistance, thermal and acoustic insulation properties are combined with a relatively low and thus, structurally benefi-cial density. WCCs should not be seen as an alternative to regular structural concrete – as stiff-ness and strength of WCCs usually are rather low – but should rather be applied in structural el-ements with composite action, e.g. together with timber or other light-weight structural elements (to not unnecessarily increase the overall weight). This article reports on results from full-scale tests up to failure on timber-WCC composite slab elements and compares their structural per-formance to more traditional timber-concrete composite slabs. Test results for determining acoustic insulation properties of timber-WCC slab elements are also presented as well as an eco-balance analysis.

