      recid = {10230},
      author = {Christe, Guillaume and Jolles, Brigitte M. and Favre,  Julien},
      title = {Between/within-session reliability of spinal kinematic and  lumbar muscle activity measures in patients with chronic  low back pain and asymptomatic individuals},
      journal = {Gait  posture},
      address = {2022-06},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      pages = {9 p.},
      abstract = {Background : 
Longitudinal research is required to better  understand the role of spinal movement alterations in  chronic low back pain (CLBP). To this end, it is critical  to assess the between-session reliability of spinal  movement measures.
Research question : 
What is the  within/between-session reliability of spinal movement  measures in patients with CLBP and asymptomatic  controls?
Methods : 
Spinal movement was recorded  prospectively during two sessions, a week apart, for 20  patients with CLBP (60% male; 40.0 ± 12.3 years old) and 20  asymptomatic individuals (55% male; 38.2 ± 10.9 years old).  Sagittal-plane angular amplitude and angular velocity at  the lower lumbar, upper lumbar, lower thoracic and upper  thoracic joints, as well as maximal erector spinae activity  were measured during five daily-activity tasks. In  addition, task-independent measures were obtained by  averaging the measures across tasks. The Intraclass  Correlation Coefficient (ICC 2,1) and the minimal  detectable change (MDC) were calculated. Pearson  correlation was used to compare task-independent and  task-specific measures.
Results : Between-session ICCs in  patients with CLBP were mostly moderate to good for maximal  angular amplitude and erector spinae activity measures.  Lower ICCs were observed for range of angular motion and  angular velocity measures (42% of ICCs < 0.5). Median MDCs  were 9.6°, 18.3°/s and 1.0% for angular amplitude, angular  velocity and erector spinae activity measures,  respectively. The reliability of task-independent and  task-specific measures was strongly correlated (r = 0.91, p  < 0.001).
Significance : 
Sagittal-plane maximal angular  amplitude and erector spinae activity measures during  various daily-activity tasks demonstrated mostly moderate  to good between-session ICCs. However, relatively large  MDCs suggested that important changes are needed to be  detectable. Task-independent measures reported similarly  acceptable ICCs than task-specific measures, supporting  their use to describe spinal movement.},
      url = {http://arodes.hes-so.ch/record/10230},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2022.04.008},