Cette recherche à caractère exploratoire vise à mieux comprendre l’activité de conception créative dans le champ de l’économie sociale et solidaire. Elle s’appuie sur une approche socioculturelle de l’imagination et de la créativité qui met en lumière les interactions des créateur.trice.s avec un environnement social et matériel influençant le processus de création. Au cours d’entretiens semi-dirigés, nous les invitons à faire le récit de leur parcours et expliciter les expériences et connaissances qui ont contribué à leurs expérimentations successives. Les résultats ouvrent des perspectives pour la recherche sur le développement de la créativité et l’éducation à l’esprit d’entreprendre.
This exploratory research aims to increase the understanding of creative design activity in the field of social entrepreneurship. It draws on a socio-cultural approach to imagination and creativity that highlights the interactions of creators with a social and material environment that influences the creative process. Through semi-structured interviews, we invite creators and leaders of social innovation projects to tell the story of their itinerary and to explain the experiences and knowledge that have contributed to their successive experiments. The results open perspectives for research on the development of creativity and entrepreneurship education.
This exploratory research aims to increase the understanding of creative design activity in the field of social entrepreneurship. It draws on a socio-cultural approach to imagination and creativity that highlights the interactions of creators with a social and material environment that influences the creative process. Through semi-structured interviews, we invite creators and leaders of social innovation projects to tell the story of their itinerary and to explain the experiences and knowledge that have contributed to their successive experiments. The results open perspectives for research on the development of creativity and entrepreneurship education.