Au Québec, les besoins de répit des familles avec un enfant ayant une déficience intellectuelle (DI) ou un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA) de tous âges demeurent nombreux. Pour y répondre, des partenaires de la ville de Québec ont développé un modèle d’offre de services destiné à ces familles et misant sur l’engagement d’étudiants en santé et services sociaux de l’Université Laval. Les points de vue de parents et d’étudiants ont été recueillis grâce à des questionnaires en ligne (106 étudiants et 87 parents). La majorité des répondants ont dit désirer offrir ou recevoir de tels services. Les étudiants souhaitent que leur implication puisse être flexible, rémunérée et réalisée auprès de familles demeurant à proximité de leur domicile. Pour leur part, les parents ont besoin d’accéder à une offre de services stable et continue. Ils aimeraient bénéficier d’allocations financières plus importantes pour assumer les frais associés. Les données présentées dans cet article contribueront au développement d’un modèle d’offre de services adapté aux besoins des familles vivant avec un enfant ayant une DI ou un TSA, tout en enrichissant la formation théorique et pratique de futurs professionnels.
In Quebec, families with children with intellectual disabilities (ID) or an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) of all ages continue to have a high need for respite services. In order to meet their needs, Quebec City partners have developed a service offer model designed for these families based on the involvement of Université Laval health care and social service students. The opinions of parents and students were collected using online questionnaires (106 students and 87 parents). The majority of respondents expressed interest in offering or receiving such services. Students wish their involvement to be paid, flexible, and with families living close to their homes. Parents need access to a stable and continuous service offer. They would like increased financial support for the associated expenses. The data presented in this article will contribute to the development of a service model that is tailored to the needs of families with children with ID or ASD while improving future professionals’ theoretical and practical training.
In Quebec, families with children with intellectual disabilities (ID) or an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) of all ages continue to have a high need for respite services. In order to meet their needs, Quebec City partners have developed a service offer model designed for these families based on the involvement of Université Laval health care and social service students. The opinions of parents and students were collected using online questionnaires (106 students and 87 parents). The majority of respondents expressed interest in offering or receiving such services. Students wish their involvement to be paid, flexible, and with families living close to their homes. Parents need access to a stable and continuous service offer. They would like increased financial support for the associated expenses. The data presented in this article will contribute to the development of a service model that is tailored to the needs of families with children with ID or ASD while improving future professionals’ theoretical and practical training.