

The aim of this paper is to develop a typology of workers base d on work - life balance (WLB) or imbalance (WLI) and satisfaction about this (im) balance (SWLB) . For this purpose, we use the data available in the special module “Work, Family and Wellbe ing” of the European Social Survey 2010. Our a priori typology includ es seven categories, namely the “work - centered” (WLI in favor of work, high SWLB), the “ overworkers ” (WLI in favor of work, low SWLB), the “fulfilled - in - life” (well - balanced WLB, high SWL B) , the “work - increasers” and the “work - decreasers” (well - balanced WLB, low SWLB) , the “home - centered” (WLI in favor of private life, high SWLB) and the “hampered - by - private - life” (WLI in favor of private life, low SWLB) . We performed multinomial logistic regressions on the data. Results helped us establishing a profile of each type of workers. Work - centered have jobs requiring high qualifications and enjoy their work. “ Overworkers ” occupy also highly qualified positions bu t they less enjoy work and prioritize more their family life. “Fulfilled - in - life” rather enjoy their job, have a lower level of education and are more rarely managers or self - employed than the two previous categories. Finally, the “work - decreasers” are to be found more frequently among the female and younger people . Their jobs require a low level of education and their main task often relates to manual labor . They do not enjoy working and cannot find motivation at work. We did not find evidence for the remaining categories, namely the “w ork - increasers ”, the “ h ome - centered” and the “h ampered - by - private - life ”

